Tag Archives: back to school safety

Back to School Safety

For the last couple of weeks, McGuire Moving & Storage has been sharing our resources and ideas for college students moving away to school and younger students starting a new school after a move. In keeping with the back to school theme of August, we would like to bring up the topic of back to school safety.

Back to School Safety is important for all children and their families but if you are recent St Louis movers and your child will be starting a new school, you will want to focus in on this more than usual as you get used to your new community. Just as you would develop safety plans and precautions in your new home, you want to have an understanding of safety procedures in and around the school.

McGuire Moving & Storage is always on the lookout for information to share that could be useful to St Louis movers looking for ways to prepare to move or settle in after a move. We found some great information to share with you regarding back to school safety. Take a look at these great school safety resources.

  1. The National Safety Council provides a Back to School Safety page on their site that provides links to areas dedicated to all matters involving school safety including school transportation safety and school safety. They even have a Back to School Safety Checklist so you as the parent of a child starting a new school can look over the list together and be prepared.
  2. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide a Safe Youth. Safe Schools page on their site that includes a long list of resources and articles that cover a multitude of youth safety topics. We found it to be a great page for St Louis movers concerned about keeping their children safe in and around a new school environment.
  3. College Students also have safety procedures and practices to consider. We found a resource for them too. Protection1 Campus Safety Matters is an entire website dedicated to Campus safety. On their Campus Safety Tips page you can find a list of fabulous articles covering all topics having to do with college safety. Be sure to link this one to your son or daughter so that they have it to refer to again and again as they protect themselves at school.

Of course the best resources you have about your particular school can be found at your new school. We suggest you give the school a call to discuss that school’s specific safety practices and programs.

August is always an exciting buzzy time of back to school preparations for families. McGuire Moving & Storage is always on the lookout for tips and tools to help St Louis movers prepare for a move and settle into their new homes. We hope you enjoyed our post on Back to School Safety and the resources we found for you. We wish you and your students a fabulous new school year!